Call to Action!

Please contact Senator Kay Hagan and Governor Bev Perdue as soon as possible to urge them to support HJR 47. This is a resolution by Congresswoman TammyBaldwin which will eliminate the deadline for the Equal Rights Amendment and will make ERA part of the Constitution after three more states ratify it, bringing the total to the required 38 states. This will speed up the process, so long delayed, for women to gain equal rights under the law. It is much preferable to the start-over approach, which would require us to achieve ratification in 38 states and might take another lifetime.

We have asked Senator Hagan to introduce a companion measure in the Senate (see copy of our letter on our website). Her aide is Karen Wade. We have also urged Governor Perdue to announce her support of HJR 47, if possible on August 26, and to proclaim Women’s Equality Day. The Governor’s aide is Alicia Johnson.

Also, please contact NC Congressmen Watt and Coble, who both serve on the House Judiciary Committee, to ask them to cosponsor the resolution. You can call any member of Congress, toll free, by dialing 877-762-8762.

Thank you for taking a few minutes from your busy schedule to speak up now for women’s rights. Please let us know what response you get.

Roberta Madden
Equal Rights Amendment North Carolina Citizens Task Force

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